Monday, November 24, 2008

What is Your Callsing, and R U HAPPY with it ??

Ok, so here i was again, having a discussion on what is callsign, and I was informed that some people actually dun really like their callsign.

The thing is, in TRG, all should get a Callsign, so if you dun have one, you can think of one yourself, which should describe yourself or your playing style or have some connection to you, or WE will give you one.

You have until 28th Nov to confirm with me, otherwise, I will pick for you...Muhahahahah!

Guang Qing - Tank, cause he plays like one, charging in to achieve high frags and drawing fire to himself and coming out usually unharmed

Ryan - LoverBoy, or LB for short, due to his fortunate or 'unfortunate' ability / power to link up with people of the opposite sex =p

Ming Sheng - Darwin, he requested, so he better have a GREAT Story behind it .... =p

Raymond - Razor, cause it begins with Ra, and he is usually sharp as a razor on the Battle Ground, trying to outflank or outwit him is almost impossible

Bernard - Berserk, cause it begins with Ber, and it is in line with his personality, as in he is Mad and Unpredictable

Kelly - Kiwi, begins with K and although he looks mild as a kiwi, can sometimes pack a punch

Nicole - Mommy, because of her name, so its more of a nickname than a callsign

Jasmine - Molly, what's the chinese for jasmine anyway ??

Bee Geok - Jade, her last name in Chinese

Zhi Hui - given her Seaweed, cos her name is similar to Zhi Cai ?? =p

Stella - Mimi, cos some of them started calling her that due to certain distinctive features

Varian - ??

Allen - Alien, cos it starts with Al and he has the ability to look beyond the horizon and take action

Jia Seng - Raider, because of his vocation and the style of gameplay, go in fast, hit hard

David - DarKNIGHT, because it starts with Da, a Knight, who abides by certain rules but of a dark type and usually play by left

SO if anyone not happy with their callsign, do voice out or it will soon STICK with you FOREVER, Muhahahahahah!

What the hell is Callsign ?

Had an interesting discussion with one of the gamers today with regards to Callsign, or the lack there of; and happened to remember this thread, so dug it out and reposted it here.

Read thru and you will have a quite a clear idea of what the hell is callsign.

21-02-2006, 10:10 AM
Okay here's my little rant. I'm sure I've bitched about this to a few of you, but for the rest... please read on.
Well. In my opinion, call signs are supposed to mean something about you or your play style or an affectionate/not so affectionate nick name.
Am I right in thinking it's not cool if people start calling themselves 'Tank' or 'Angel' or 'Princess'? To me, that doesn't really say anything about you unless you are 6ft tall and 4ft wide, are a saintly person or a stuck up prude.
I got my call sign because on the first day I went to LS I was wearing a shirt that said 'Leo' and because my zodiac is Leo, and I have a few typical characteristics. It just stuck.
Also... should you be able to CHANGE your call sign? Especially if you're a laser skirmish referee? I think not. People need to remember you. That's why you should have a personalised call sign that your team mates give you, or an acceptable one you think of yourself.
Post your thoughts.

21-02-2006, 10:41 AM
Agreed. My call sign (and nickname) "Builty" has some history and meaning. For years I've been known as one to build things (mainly electronics, but also home theatre, gaming stuff, car stuff etc.) There was a TV add around years ago for "Clivebuilt" furniture that also made a joke about "JerryBuilt" furniture, and so I became known as "Smythbuilt" (Smyth being a payout on my real surname, as in "Smith is to Smyth, what Shit is to Shite"
Smythbuilt got shortened to Built, and then stretched to Builty.

Black Jew
21-02-2006, 11:06 AM
ah ha! i was right! (about Builty) name came from a payout aswell. One of my friends tried telling me I looked jewish (which I am not btw) then next time we played Rico (big Slug/Ty) caught hold of it and used to just yell 'come out black jew boy' yeah it got me a few times, then it just stuck, and became BJ. ( the only reason its Black Jew on the forum is becasue your username has to be at least 3 characters long).

21-02-2006, 11:11 PM
Hmm... mixed thoughts onthis one.
Certainly once you have a callsign, you should stick with it or close variants of it. Just keeps the confusion down and helps people keep each other straight in their minds.
But some of the nicknames one gets tagged with in life, ESPECIALLY in the military, may be undesireable to the named person or downright unprintable on a public forum where kids might be expected to be present. And just explaining them may be too much, for example one of my past nicknames seemed harmless enough on the surface but had an extremely off-color background that would probably violate the user policy of this board, to say nothing of the Yahoo Groups policy! ;) I enjoyed the name found it quite funny, even though I was the butt of the joke, but explaining it was too much so it has been abandoned...
FWIW, "TagFerret" was adopted for LT/LS specific use as a variant of my DF2 online handle, which was:
later changed to Ferret #63 due to spam problems from forums
then shortened to just Ferret
expanded to "Ferret =@=" or "Ferret ~ZW~" depending on my clan affiliation at the time.
The "Ferret" part is from my love of the cute little furry animals and the fact that I tend to play in a very sneaky manner, moving frequently and popping up from unexpected positions to "bite people in the rear" like a little weasel popping out of a burrow complex.

Pooh Bear
22-02-2006, 04:24 AM
One night there was a group of guys (mostly ex army) who met each other at Mt Cotton. It was an open session where this group of guys basically owned the other team. I remember the spotlight ambush, but I wont get into that here. Anyway, we were asked to form a clan by Plan’s wife, Zeva (I think that’s her cs). So the group of us stood around trying to think of something silly to call ourselves. You see, as I said we were mostly ex army and had been playing this game for real for many, many years. We didn’t want to take it too seriously. So one thing led to another and we got stuck on kids cartons. I think we looked at the Jetsons (but couldn’t remember their names) then Scooby Doo. We ended up with the Winnie the Pooh theme and changed it a little. We ended up with HAW. Hundred Acre Woodsmen. I was going to be Christopher Robin, but it was going to take too long to say on a radio. I ended up with Pooh Bear. In HAW there is Owl, Piglet, Gopher, Eeyore, Tigger and even a Rabbit.
So that’s where mine is from. It doesn’t reflect my playing style, if there is such a thing. Its just some name that we came up with one night.

22-02-2006, 07:39 AM
Yeah thats kind of different too, PB. It's different than calling yourself 'scope' or 'tank'. It still means something.
PLUS you haven't changed it.

22-02-2006, 09:03 AM
My meant nothing, i just wanted something that would be quick and easy to say over a radio.

22-02-2006, 09:50 AM
I am trapper, it stuck becuase plan can't remember my real name. I hate it but i still use it.

23-02-2006, 12:23 AM
I see "call signs" as something entirely different from "nicknames". Nicknames are the descriptive names that your friends give you because of some characteristic or mannerism, or whatever. Call signs are the temporary names you use over the radio to PROTECT your identity. Call signs can be assigned to individuals, groups or locations.

24-02-2006, 09:09 AM
MjrPayne comes from the movie Major Payne. There's this major giving military training to kids in a boarding shool. I got the name when I was working in an indoor lasertag center. Sometimes I felt like I'm major Payne (or Kindergarten Cop) when trying to get kids to play. So I started to use it as a callsign while playing and then started to use it in net in this short mode.

24-02-2006, 11:01 AM
Yeah well with a name like Hendrik I don't think I need a nick name.
Also I am always a little bit uneasy with people who hide behind an alter ego so to speak, I don't mind people who introduce themselves as my name is such and such but my friends call me this and that but people who only introduce themselves with a nick name make me a little bit suspicious.

24-02-2006, 12:40 PM
Well, most people I talk to think Thorin is out of The Hobbit, which it is, but thats not where I got it from. Thorin litterally means "Little Thor." Thor being the Norse god of thunder.
I think there's nothing wrong with having a nickname, so long as you don't use it everywhere. I have mates who introduce me to their friends as Thorin, or Thorin-baby in one particualar circumstance. But having a unique nickname can be really good to. I'm Thorin on another forum aswell (local band forum), and if I had just been known as "Stephen" I don't think the band members would have realised exactly who I was on their forums when I was talking to them backstage 2 nights ago. And the only reason I was invited backstage was cause one of the leads I was talking to instantly know who I was by saying "I'm Thorin on your forums," It's unique.

24-02-2006, 01:03 PM
well here's the thing with my nicname's theve been givin to me by different ppl but in ls i have no nickname as i dont play often, therefor i started as sniper-ace then i realised i wasnt a sniper then it went to angel-fire which i had for three years ( which is also my msn nickname ) and now im stoney as an abrevation as my name, but this does not suite my playing style as im always moving, so as yoou can see ive been named different things by different ppl,
so in games i would like to be known as raptor because i like to scare ppl into a trap were my team mates are waiting, but i also lead small sniper teams around the field so wat would you guys sugest ??

25-02-2006, 01:31 AM
I am not saying nicknames are bad, just that when you meet someone for the first time and they are relucant or not willing to tell you their real name then that bond of trust is not really established. Sort of like not taking off your sunglasses when you meet someone.

25-02-2006, 03:06 PM
Yea, I agree with you. Whenever this guy introduced me as "Thorin" I automaticly said my name is Stephen. It's just general politeness.

25-02-2006, 03:20 PM
yere i agree, i always introduce myself by both my first and my last name , but after that if you have many nicknames what do you do for ppl to remmember you ??

26-02-2006, 10:17 AM
I see "call signs" as something entirely different from "nicknames". Nicknames are the descriptive names that your friends give you because of some characteristic or mannerism, or whatever. Call signs are the temporary names you use over the radio to PROTECT your identity. Call signs can be assigned to individuals, groups or locations.
Uh yes and no. We're talking laser skirmish, not actual battle. You can establish a call sign and it might stick, making it a nick name. A laser skirmish nickname = call sign.

26-02-2006, 10:39 AM
well wat if you dont have a call sign wat do you do ??

26-02-2006, 11:10 AM
Come up with one or maybe if someone calls you something. I'unno.
^Read people's posts, they may have some ideas. :)

26-02-2006, 11:50 PM
Sorry, I think it's the time spent in Combat Communications. Can't shake it even now that I'm retired. Trying to though.... (luckily I didn't see any combat, so no risk of flashbacks during a game :eek: )

27-02-2006, 06:46 AM
^ Hm yeah, that'd be a bit scary. I was kinda suprised at your first post because I was thinking: 'Um why would anyone care if people knew your actual name?'

02-03-2006, 07:38 PM
i do i swear some ppl have forgotten my real name

03-03-2006, 12:01 AM
hey i know it, mr musch

03-03-2006, 06:55 AM
Well, who knows, I believe you can call yourself what you like, as long as no one gets offended. My name was given to me by Kitty ( remember her?) and it was because I kept saying " Yeah Man" to her, so there you go. I changed the spelling to Yea man becasue I thought it might be cooler. The only thing that pees me off is when people change their name or use two names.

03-03-2006, 07:00 AM
In fact, I agree with Hendriks' post. Why can't we just use our real names? Its a little more mature, and people who only use their player aliases, even when you talk to them away from skirmish activities are weird.

03-03-2006, 08:36 AM
fare point, ok im going to go back to REAL field coms generally you only hae a call sign for your section and every one inside that section gets called by their last name i think, take iraq for instance the " enemy " isnt going to understand a word of wat your saying and vice versa and if they break into your comms to begin with you can almost garuntee they know were you headed, plus if you call ppl by their last name none gets confused

03-03-2006, 08:59 AM
And Callsigns prevent 2 people having the same name, which is hard when using your real name. That is if people have the common courtisy to not use someone elses callsign. I know if someone else turned up at a clanwar and said they are going to call themself Thorin, I'd ask them if they could use a different name. If not, I'd just have to constantly attack them, every game.

03-03-2006, 10:58 AM
I reckon call signs are cool and hardcore, if we use our real names it makes us look like a bunch of nerds. I have been calling people by their call signs for years, I don't even no some peoples real names, it is sad but hey its cool.

03-03-2006, 05:25 PM
well my call sign should be leetcourt but i just get called leet for short . its funny cause people think i am up my self for calling my self leet but my callsign is leetcourt cause of a street sign i saw . its also my bf2 name . hehehhe my first post . hmmmm did i spell every word correct

10-03-2006, 06:35 AM
When I started to play skirmish i did not have a call sign. I used my real name. When i started working for BFS i was told to choose a call sign. So i decided to use Princess. Princess being the nick name given to me be my partner at the time and it was also my nick name where i worked during the week. At first my partner was okay with it, but later he decided that he did not want other people using his name for me. So i went back to my childhood nick name 'Angel'. It was either that or the name my mother still call me 'bitchly'.
So my call signs were infact nick names given to me and I see the problem with changing ones call sign as people are even able to change their real names if they want to.

12-03-2006, 10:56 AM
CAPTINSANE implies an anomoly
Maturity and unpredictability : for example...
no one thought the guy who got the cane on the first day of grade 10, or the random crazy bloke would one day become a school captain in highschool
no one expects the politely spoken christian youth co-ordinator to tackle a small horse on a public roadway because it was stopping traffic (its true and i took it down too)
and let's face hobbies include shooting my friends with .68 calibre firearms on the weekend (I captain paintball TEAM NASTY...that says it all :) (I <3 laser as well as pb and all that, don't strat flaming.)
FURTHER MORE: it allows the reader to make their own opinion, whether i am the SANE-CAPTAIN or the INSANE manic who can't spell. people can judge me and i won't mind, because either judgment is correct.
i made it up for myself, and it is a bit long for the radio, but i think it sums me up fairly well.

12-03-2006, 11:08 AM
Yeah but long names can be shortened. ^^^

13-03-2006, 07:41 PM
I started to become known as Polymorph (or "the Amiga guy") at local sci fi conventions from taking my digital photo business to their dealer's rooms and not hiding that I was using an Amiga computer.
Then as ChonBey as that is my Klingon name. The IKV T'Mar is fairly high profile at sci fi cons for the past ~8 years.
I can't use my name, Steve, because there are too many other Steve's out there. On several otherwise serious business lists I'm on (heat transfer, sign cutting, etc) I'm known as Alien Steve because my yahoo address is alienrelics, and it's that because I had a sci fi collectibles store called Alien Relics Collectibles and was already taken.
However, I can't even get my wife to remember to call me ChonBey when we're in Klingon.
If someone comes up to me when I'm in Klingon (we also do a lot of volunteering at charity events) and seems to seriously want to talk to me, after I introduce myself as Cdr ChonBey, I lean in close and quietly tell them "Steve Greenfield".
I, too, am wierded out by people who won't tell you their real name without a lot of prodding.

14-03-2006, 02:35 AM
Yeah mine call sign is GHILLIE because i'm a real sniper nut and a wear my Ghillie suit abit when myself and my friends go camping.

mr black
15-03-2006, 03:18 PM
well my nick name is mr black because i used to play afl, i use to run a lot and after running around for so long i would black out, hence the name mr black, it started out as the black out kid but as i got older it became mr black.;)

11-04-2006, 12:15 PM
my call sign is brat becoz my brother and sister called me brat the day i was born

22-09-2006, 03:02 AM
My callsign is an amalgamation of 2 things.
1. Norse Mythgology, Fenrir or Fenrisulfr is a monstrous wolf, the son of Loki and the giantess Angrboða. Fenrir is bound and gagged by a sword by the gods, but is ultimately destined to grow too large for his bonds and devours Odin during the course of RagnarÃk. At that time he will have grown so large that his upper jaw touches the sky while his lower touches the earth when he gapes.
RagnarÃk will be preceded by the Fimbulwinter, the winter of winters. Three successive winters will follow each other with no summer in between. As a result, conflicts and feuds will break out, and all morality will disappear.
The wolf Skoll and his brother Hati will finally devour Sol (the Sun) and her brother Mani (the Moon) respectively, after a perpetual chase. The stars will vanish from the sky, plunging the earth into darkness.
The earth will shudder, so violently that trees will be uprooted, and mountains will fall, and every bond and fetter will snap and sever, freeing Loki, the God of Mischief, and his ferocious son Fenrir. This terrible wolf's slavering mouth will gape wide open, so wide that his lower jaw scrapes against the ground and his upper jaw presses against the sky. He will gape even more widely if there is room. Flames will dance in his eye and leap from his nostrils.
Sounds grim, I know, but aint it cool?
That's what you get for being a metalhead.
2. When I had my long hair (shaved to a 0 blade for past 3 years) I apparently looked exactly like the Fenriz, the drummer from black metal band DARKTHRONE. So whilst roadcrewing for adelaide HM bands I earned the nick of FENRIZ. It has stuck with me for the past 10 years, before that I was Slayne.
Also I'm a bit of a lone wolf when playing.
I always introduce myself as Chris, But once I start a session or enter the field, Fenriz is my name. Besides you never know how many people on the field have the same real name as you, confusion can set in, we have 4 Chris/Kris/Cris's in our clan wars, callsigns are a must.

24-09-2006, 09:38 PM
Well, my playing style is pretty goofy and my best laid plans tend to "blow-up" in my face a lot - hence the name .... Oh that and I play saxophone too. I’m always introduced as Scott, but most people on finding out my alias/nick/callsign tend to stick to "Gonz" - I think that there is something that sticks in people's minds with a unique name like a callsign. Whereas normal names are fairly commonplace - which do you think you'd be more likely to remember - "Scott Yates" or "gonzo (or gonz)" - especially after you'd seen my playing style (or lack thereof)? As to changing your callsign - really depends on how well it's known or the reason for changing. Had a mate with the callsign of "Neo" and his other half had "Trinity". They broke up and he changed his call sign because it was a little uncomfortable for him to retain the old one.

27-11-2006, 12:44 PM
My airsoft teammates sometimes call me "terminator" because of some actions I did in a big skirm(always makes me laugh thinking about that).
J.A.K. is just my name in short. If you say it fast in Dutch it says Jack. That translated to Dutch is Jaap. And thats my name :)

05-12-2006, 02:07 PM
Mine's salvaged from my surname (van Steenbergen in Dutch, which loosely translates to "von Stonemountain") which I personally thought was unpronouncable in English. Watching a lot of TV shows tought me that good character names and callsigns are no more than 2 syllables wide to sound good in dialogue, which made me shorten my nick to "Stoney". That's pretty much how I get called everywhere, the 3K I got since '99 when I was still in senior high, with the change to the "third millenium". I dediced not to screw with it every year since that would get pretty annoying and decided to keep the 3K for online use. Sometimes augmented to [XGN]Stoney3K to indicate affiliation with the Oxygene clan. ;)

06-12-2006, 09:53 AM
My nickname is a long story, although the name is not that old. I will give it a go:
In 2002 I went to the University in Eindhoven (The Netherlands) to study electronical engineering. The first group project was to control a model railroad. This railroad had two model steam locomotives. These locomotives make specific noises in real life. In dutch a typical steam locomotive sound is written as: "Tjoeketjoeke tuut tuut". Soon friends called me the cheaf of the Tjoeks which soon degraded to Tjoek.

08-12-2006, 02:01 PM
Battlestar is one of the best shows on the planet, especially the new one. The callsigns they have there are actually no different from the callsigns given to new recruits in the Air Force, which are often based on first impressions. For example, if someone comes in as a newbie with a huge pair of glasses on which really attract attention, the callsign "Foureyes" isn't far-fetched. Of course the receiver of the nickname has to be comfortable with the name given.

14-12-2006, 08:21 PM
Hmm I originally got mine from when i did self defence a fair while back. One of the courses we did was with armed combat - in that case simulated swords (basically a pipe with foam padding around it to prevent any injury). I was pretty into the whole dueling thing and practiced a fair bit, so got nicknamed The Swordsman, which went to Swordsman, and in the case of radio comms for skirmish, it gets shortened to Swordy.
But there you have it. :)

18-12-2006, 05:37 PM
...I was one of the first to start wearing Auscam to paintball (some 20+ years ago).
Back then everyone was in USA woodland pattern or Vietnam issue (Aussie army) jungle greens.
(Remember this was so long ago that the only protection you had to wear to play was industrial safety glasses - and the guns were only bolt-action.... about 3 years later the first pump-action paintball guns were introduced)
...with the scrim net as well, it was good cam.
...several people did actually step on me during games.
..after a few months, alot of people said it was spooky how I'd always be underfoot or behind them waiting in ambush.
...the name "spooky" stuck and (obviously) I still use the name today.
I feel the best callsign or nickname is that given to you by others.

Ace McQuaide
12-04-2007, 03:39 PM
Mine is Ace. It used to be Ace McQuaide which was a cool name my mates and I made up for me whenever we played on the Commodore 64 as a kid. Since then I used that name on any game where I needed a character name. For LS, Doc and Chopper shortened it to Ace to make it easier to them blame me when something goes horribly wrong. He! He!

12-04-2007, 06:48 PM
I got my name in much the same way as 'Spooky" WHERE MY MATES gave it to me after i developed a tendancy to pop up in the thick of things. take some names and then disappear.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Some More Makeover Pics

Here are some more pics that Rick whipped up in answer to some of the TRG members never ending requests.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Join Us On Facebook

Yo people,

TRG have a Facebook Group, so be sure to join and ask your friends who are go enough to go to Paradise to join as well.

See You On The Battle Ground !

Monday, November 10, 2008

Thanks to All TRG Members Who Helped Out For Halloween

TRG will like to express our deepest appreciation for all members who turned up and helped out during the Halloween event. Hopefully you have enjoyed yourselves as much as we did.

PLK YEC has kindly did up a video clip, of which the first part is here.

The TRG part is shown in the second clip.
