Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Team Bonding Day With North East Youth Executive Commitees (Operation Soaring Eagles)

On the morning of 8th Feb 2009, the peace and tranquility of Punggol Park is shattered when members of the North East Youth Executive Committees and TRG gathered for a morning of fun and team bonding.

As this is a gathering of leaders, we at TRG is naturally a bit nervous, not to mention a bit tired as we didn't really have a good night sleep the night b4 (but that's another story). Luckily when it comes to fun and team bonding, everyone speaks the same language.

We begin the day with a short game of speed tag in a small little arena full of trees, that served to allow the warriors to familiarise themselves with the operation of the Phoenix Shotguns and Guardian Rifles. As there are 4 teams, some of the warriors will have to wait for their turn.

Luckily TRG is well prepared for this eventuality; we have prepared several team work games that will foster team spirit and cooperativeness. The first game that we played is 'Poker Sequence'.

This game requires the whole team to give instructions to only one person who had to hit the poker cards in sequence whithin a given time limit. Any mistakes, the whole team will have to start over. Naturally, there are a lot of furstrations, but being leaders, the players all raise to the occasions and aced the game.

Alas, the few rounds of Lazer Battles proved to be too tiring for most of the warriors, and many of them opt to take a break in between the Lazer Battle games.

After all 4 teams have cut their teeth and claws in the warm up matches, now its time to do it for real. The arena is expanded to almost 3 times the size, with a healthy mix of foliage, buildings and trees, that provided the ideal environment for stealthy flanking maneuvers and counter-attacks. It is indeed heartening to see all the warriors communicating and co-operating with one another when this is the first time many of them met. It also helps greatly that taking into consideration of the results that they have obtained during the warm up matches, different teams discussed and came up with different strategies; some opting to 'volunteer' some of their members to be the commandos and vanguards, rushing in to draw the enemies fire, while the rest stay behind to pick off the enemies one by one. Some teams also performed intricate maneuvers to encircle their enemies.

All in all, everyone enjoyed themselves and a lot of them expressed that they will come back to fight it out again on the BattleGround.

So, NE YEC Warriors, See You On The Battle Ground ! Be Prepared To Engage !

(Note: you can see more photos taken that day at the right side slideshow)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

So Busy Busy Busy Busy Bee

I am real sorry that in the recent weeks, TRG was so busy that we had not much time to do update of the blog.

Hmm...what are the things that we are busy with, let me count them out:

- Talking to various organisations to set up TRG clubs all over Singapore

- Expanding TRG by producing our very own apparel (Yes, TRG going to have our own shirts soon !)

- Experimenting with our new batch of taggers (Phoenix Shotguns)

- Seeting up our new office at Hougang St 21

and many many more... whew !

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Let's Do Our Part For The Community !

We have been invited by Paya Lebar Kovan YEC to assist in this year's City of Sharing, which will be held on 18th Jan 2009. Members interested to do your part for the community, do let me know.

Below is a repost of the post from PLK YEC's blog.


With the news of the recent economy downturn still ringing in one's ears, one might recall the many news of how many charities failed to achieve their targets and having to dip into their kitty to make sure their beneficiaries' needs are made.

Here at City of Sharing we are not that worried. Not because we have a lot of funds to activate to top up any shortfall in the collection effort; but because we have seen first hand and close up of the generosity of the average Singapore Heartlanders, from the old auntie who had been having bread for a week, so that she can give some canned food to us (initially, we did not want to take as we felt that she would need them more, but she's very insistent and told us that her efforts will be wasted if we never take them) and to the father, together with his son and daughter whom came over from NTUC, bringing us 'freshly bought' canned food. We Thank You. No words of gratitude could express our thanks, and it is this kind of generosity and kindness that made us wanted to organise City Of Sharing year after year.

City of Sharing will also not be possible is not for the hard work and efforts put in by the volunteers whom among them knocked on more than 22,000 doors (that's about 125 doors per volunteers), climbed up more than 450 blocks of flags and gathered 22,500 items of canned food and dry rations. Someone once told me that "Volunteers are not paid, not because they are Worthless, but because they are PRICELESS."

To contribute to this effort, in terms of monetary (you can buy canned food / dry rations before hand) or in terms of sweat and blood (join us as a Volunteer !), just drop us an email at leaving us your name, T-shirt size and contact number and we will get back to you.

This year, City of Sharing will be organised on 18th Jan 2009, just a week away from Chinese New Year, a period of joy and happiness. We hope that thru our efforts, we can bring joy and happiness to the not so fortunate. So let us work hand in hand again to do this, and let us prove once again that Singapore is a City of Sharing.

Before I sign off, allow me to show you our previous City of Sharing videos and See You on the 18th Jan 2009.

- Never doubt that a small group of commited people can change the world.
Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead